UO 2.MO Bid Package #2 - Indoor Football Facility

Location Eugene, OR (map)
Zone Zone 2 - Lane County
Bid Date 08/13/2024 2:00 pm
Prebid Date 07/23/2024 10:00 am


Hoffman Construction Company, General Contractor for UO 2.MO (University of Oregon Indoor Football) (“Project”) being performed for PHIT TOO (“Owner”) requests sub-bid proposals for Bid Package #2 – Steel Modeling, Façade Glazing and ETFE Trade Partners. A non-mandatory, but strongly encouraged, Pre-Bid Meeting has been scheduled for 10:00A.M., July 23, 2024 (Via Microsoft Teams). Attendees may join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.  If you have not used the...

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UO 2.MO Bid Package #2 - Indoor Football Facility

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