Wildfire Fencing Material - All Fires 1 & 3 Fremont NF

Location Lakeview, OR (map)
Zone Zone 5 - East of the Cascades
Bid Date 07/26/2024 9:00 am


Fire damaged livestock fence material replacement. Many fences need to be replaced and built after multiple fires burned range infrastructure on the Fremont-Winema National Forest. T-posts: 5.5 ft length, studded, heavy duty (1.33# ft/wt). Rail steel grade 50 or 60. Manufactured in the USA. Clips to be included. Barbed wire- Class 1 Galvanized, 12.5 guage, 4″ barb spacing, 2 pt, 1320 ft/roll. Breaking strength line wires- 950 pounds force minimum. Tensile strength line wires- 60,000 psi...

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